Royal Acres
URO1 IA BIS BISS EGCH Royal Chantilly Sunrise SPOT WSCC TT
Known As "Tilly"
Tilly was whelped December 27th, 2015 by Jean Reeves out of Quila sired by Best in Specialty Show winner, Best in Show winner, Champion of International Beauty Sky. Tilly is now retired from breeding and has been spending her time learning agility.
Tilly is a phenomenal blend of American and European lines, and the judges seemed to agree throughout her show career. Tilly won multiple Best in Shows, was ranked in the UKC Top Ten White Shepherds for many years and won Top Ten Best of Breed, and won Best In Specialty Show/National Best of Breed at the 2017 UWSC National Specialty.
Tilly whelped two Royal litters:
Monty X Tilly 12/8/2020
Monty X Tilly 2/8/2020
UAGI URO1 BIS GRCH Royal From the Bottom of My Heart SPOT
Known As "Frannie"
Frannie was whelped December 1st, 2014 by Anita Beaudoin and Jean Reeves out of multi Best in Show winning Gretchen sired by Best in Specialty Show winning, multi Best in Show winning Ramsey. Frannie is now retired from breeding and lives with her co-owner, Anita Boudin.
Frannie came from a spectacular litter between two of the greatest whites of their time. Frannie was not only a Best in Show winner, but has also titled in rally and agility during her competitive career, making her a great example of the TOTAL DOG philosophy.
Frannie whelped two Royal litters:
Isaac X Frannie 11/20/2019
Super X Frannie 4/3/2018
URO1 BIS GRCH Nix Tulula P'tits Loups d'Amour TDI SPOT-ON
Known As "Penny"
Penny was born in Belgium at kennel P'tits Loups d'Amour on April 9th, 2014. Penny came from a litter sired by World Winner 2013, Veteran World Winner 2014, Multi CH Azimut Ortus out of Ix-Dream P'tits Loups d'Amour.
Penny was no slack off in the show ring either, and picked up her own Best in Show awards, as well as titling in rally and then earning her therapy dog certificate.
Penny whelped two Royal litters:
Monty X Penny 10/24/2019
Cruz X Penny 5/28/2018